What is the fly agaric?

The fly agaric is a famous and beautiful red mushroom with a lot of white dots used so much in cartoons, especially in Snow White. But it is not one of the most popular mushrooms because it is highly poisonous. That psychedelic effect! The fly swatter (Amanita muscaria) of the Amanita family, also known as pseudo-Longue, gets its name from the mighty insecticidal power it obtains from flies.

We can get them under deciduous trees (especially birches, etc.), under conifers (firs, pines, etc.), or on the edges of these forests. Future Bordeaux varieties are often advertised because they grow in the same place from late summer to late fall. It is particularly picturesque; they can reach 15-20 cm in diameter and consist of very white, tight, free-flowing leaves.

What should we know about the fly agaric?

The original red mushroom with white spots is one of the most famous and ubiquitous mushrooms in popular culture. Amanita mascaras are well known for their hallucinogenic properties and have had religious significance in Siberian cultures and ancient India. Since the Middle Ages, it has been used as an insecticide, hence the name.

Ingestion of more than 1 gram of fly agaric can cause effects ranging from nausea and, depending on the dose, convulsions to drowsiness. As well as cholinergic effects, low blood pressure, increased sweating and salivation, variable visual patterns, mood swings, euphoria, and relaxation. Especially hallucinations

Near-lethal doses cause flatulence and delirium, characterized by marked episodes of agitation followed by periods of silent hallucinations. Effects typically appear after 1 hour and generally peak within 3 hours, although results can last up to 10 hours. Results vary widely, and people can respond differently to the same dose.

This is a prominent fungus, and according to literary fiction, living gnomes can easily be confused with other fungi, such as mushrooms. Like phalloides, fly agarics grow in various environments at all levels, usually attached to the roots of trees such as oak, black pine, or birch.

Its venom is primarily neurotoxic, with severe but not necessarily fatal consequences. In addition, it is toxic to the intestines and liver and has hallucinogenic effects.

How to differentiate them from other fungi?

Edible mushrooms are often a delicacy. It is a jewel appreciated by many chefs. Beware of poisons. If you are not sure, do not consume. To avoid jumping too far, we leave you with a small guide to the most common poisonous and edible mushrooms that can be safely removed from the field.

Fly agaric:

Please do not confuse this fungus with a colorful and harmless fungus; its ingestion can cause neurotoxicity with dire consequences. It is called a flying saucer because it paralyzes the insects it touches. It is easy to recognize because it has a distinctive white dot on top of the red color. Fly agaric for sale has become popular in recent times, despite its effects.

Amanita phalloides:

The poison of this fungus is so potent that it can kill a human in a matter of hours. She is known as the mushroom of death. The cap is 5-15 cm wide, initially round and hemispherical, flattening with age. It is easily confused with burdock.


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