The First Thing To Do When You Retire

Most seniors have a rough idea of what they want to do when they retire – until they get there! As retirement is a lifestyle change, many seniors might find themselves a little lost, unsure about what they should do next – even if they have plans for it.

These six things might make the transition a little easier.


Six First Things to Do in Retirement

1) Consider Your Living Options

Are you happy by yourself, or do you wish to socialize more? Are you content with spending your days maintaining your home, or do you want more free time? Can you afford your current lifestyle financially, or do you need assistance with everyday life?

Answering these questions is the first step to deciding the lifestyle you want to live in your retirement years. Ensure you consider living options: continue living where you are, move with or close to family, or join a retirement community.


2) Set a Plan for Your Goals

Being retired doesn’t mean that you suddenly have to quit having goals. If anything, you should dedicate more time to them.

Establish what goals you want to achieve in your retirement (some examples include travelling more, making new friends or undertaking new hobbies), and build a plan around how you’re going to achieve them. This process will give your retirement a focus and help motivate you further.

A senior African-American couple sitting side by side on their porch or balcony, relaxing, and holding hands, conversing and laughing together.

3) Avoid the TV

Best described by Forbes as the “TV trap”, this refers to the process of just sitting around and watching TV all day. It’s unhealthy for your physical, mental and emotional health. Sure, chilling out and watching TV is fabulous as a break and recharge, but it shouldn’t become a staple of your new retirement lifestyle.

More interestingly, Forbes stated that “many new retirees have been turned into conspiracy theorists and couch potatoes because they let people on TV dictate their mood and outlook rather than fostering their own.”


4) Check Up on Your Health

Unfortunately, as you get older, you might experience some health problems, some of which you suspected and, others, a complete shock.

The best course of action to enjoy your retirement years is to get a full physical from your doctor. Have them check your heart, blood pressure, physical health – the lot. Visit your dentist to inspect your teeth. Checking your health can prepare you to adapt to your future, so you know your limitations, while also working to specific elements that improve your health, so you’re free and healthy to enjoy your later years.


5) Get Physical

Everyone knows how physical activity is crucial for your health. It’s even more important as you get older.

Need some convincing? According to The Manor Village – one of the leading retirement homes in Canada – physical activity can reduce the risks of diseases, encourage social interaction and help maintain a healthy weight. It can also increase energy and stamina, improve mental health and cognitive thinking, and support self-care and independence.

So make sure that physical activities are part of your everyday routine, so you get to experience these amazing health benefits.


5) Get Your Mind Busy

The old saying of “use it or lose it” is important for seniors and retirees. If you stop using a skill, you’ll forget about it soon after. And your brainpower is one of them.

Make sure that you have ways to keep your mind busy at all times, focusing on activities that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. This will keep you busy while promoting mental health benefits.


6) Do What Makes You Happy

Retirement is supposed to be about doing things you couldn’t do during your middle years (40 to 65). Make a list of all the exciting things you want to do in your life and set your lifestyle to do them. Whether that’s spending time with family or friends, playing sports (for seniors) or travelling the world, make the most out of your retirement.

We hope that this guide helps you with your first few days and months in your retirement. Remember, this is a hard transition to go through, so it’s okay to take your time with it and focus on what you want. We’re sure you’ll get to have the retirement you always wanted!


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