The Effect of CBD on Dementia

There is no solid evidence to prove that CBD or the other cannabinoid products have the ability to halt, prevent or even slow down the progress of dementia. But without a doubt, CBD for dementia does have some therapeutic effects in curing the most commonly occurring behavioral signs and symptoms of the condition, like agitation, aggression and mood swings.

CBD Health Benefits for Dementia

There are various conditions related to dementia which can be managed by using CBD such as Vascular Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), Huntington’s disease and Fronto-temporal Dementia.

According to a research conducted in 2017 at the California’s Salk Institute, it was proved that cannabinoids like CBD have the ability to assist in removing dementia from brain cells, as well as increasing the connections between them. These results had been tested and confirmed by many other labs. The Food and Drug Administration in the US hasn’t been able to conclude whether CBD can be helpful in the treatment of dementia but it has certainly proved its effects to be able to treat epilepsy.

CBD can help promote the health outcomes for dementia patients. It does so by three ways. These are: by decreasing buildup of oxygen, by decreasing inflammation and by working as a neuroprotectant, as well as a brain stimulant. CBD might also have its effects in decreasing anxiety and stress in people with dementia and even prevent the deterioration of different functions of the brain, as well as the memory.

However, it must be noted that the FDA has warned that CBD has the potential to result in liver injury and it can also affect the metabolism of many other drugs.

Can CBD Help Dementia Patients?

Cannabinoid products work by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors, as well as the endocannabinoid system in the body. CB1 receptors are those that have an impact on the brain and the nervous system, and the symptoms of dementia are particularly decreased by this relationship of receptors with cannabis.

It has been proved that CBD in small doses has the ability to generate a signal for the body to produce more endocannabinoids, as well as more receptors. With an increase in the number of receptors, there is an increase in the sensitivity to such cannabinoids. Therefore, it may take a couple of uses of CBD before it actually produces an effect.

CB1 receptors are present in the site called hippocampus in the brain. This is the region that is susceptible to the primary reasons that cause Alzheimer’s, as well as other dementia-related diseases. On the other hand, CB2 receptor is present in a site called microglia. This is a part of one’s brain which plays a vital role in the progress of Alzheimer’s.


Dementia has many symptoms which have the ability to result in deadly effects on one’s mood and memory. So much so, that it actually makes it rather impossible for people to carry out their regular chores. However, research has proved the curative effects of CBD on people with certain dementia-related diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Even though it’s actually THC which is a psychoactive compound that may help eliminate amyloid clumps deposited in one’s brain in cases of Alzheimer’s disease, CBD might also have such an effect. In fact, CBD is known to assist in reversing the process of aging in the various organs through its antioxidant property as well.


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