Keto Diet Vs Paleo Diet

Both the keto diet and paleo diet have become incredibly popular. Although they both share the importance of a low-carb diet, there are a few differences between the two. There are certain similarities, but there are more differences.

What Is A Keto Diet?

In the past, a keto diet was used as a tool for disease management rather than weight loss. For instance, when it comes to epilepsy, it is considered to be a dietary intervention. The main aim of the keto diet is to force your body to reach a state of ketosis which is a state in which the body burns stored fat. Many people achieve ketosis with fasting. But, you can reach the state by increasing dietary fat and reducing carb intake. The Experimental & Clinical Cardiology had published a study back in 2004 wherein it found that long-term adherence to the keto diet leads to reduced body mass, an increase in good cholesterol, and a decrease in lower blood LCD. However, a keto diet is difficult for one to follow. A common keto diet meal will include a ton of fat such as cream or butter, a bit of fruit, and a small portion of meat.

What Is A Paleo Diet?

A paleo diet is different from a keto diet as it focuses entirely on consuming more meat like early caveman who had limited access to greens and grain. Thus, the diet primarily consists of protein. Anyone following a paleo diet will need to obtain their energy from animal products which are low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Processed foods are avoided. There is still a need for more research on paleo diet before it can be determined just how beneficial it actually is.

What Are The Differences Between A Keto Diet & A Paleo Diet?

A keto diet mainly focuses on the manipulation of three macronutrients that are protein, fat, and carbs. As for a paleo diet, it focuses more on food choices. Processed foods, grains, and dairy products are eliminated from the diet and still balanced out the macronutrients. However, the problem with these weight loss approaches is sustainability. Although both of the diet plans are carb-free, our bodies require carbs in order to survive as they offer our body with glucose which is needed for balancing energy levels and blood sugar.

Keto encourages you to consume lots of dairy foods such as butter, heavy cream, and full-fat yoghurt, whereas, milk and ice cream are prohibited. Soy foods on the other hand are permitted as long as they meet the specified macronutrient requirement. On the other hand, a paleo diet does not allow one to consume any type of soy foods and dairy is restricted. Only grass-fed butter is allowed in a paleo diet and legumes are restricted.


Both a keto diet and paleo diet claim to help people lose weight. While a keto diet is based on high fat and low carb intake, a paleo diet focuses on eating lots of whole foods and encourages working out. Thus, it all depends on which diet suits you best in the long run.


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